From Brad Weiss: "Cultural Anthropology will go Open Access in 2014".
The Society for Cultural Anthropology (a section of the American Anthropological Association) is excited to announce a groundbreaking publishing initiative. With the support of the AAA, the influential journal of the SCA, Cultural Anthropology, will become available open access, freely available to everyone in the world. Starting with the first issue of 2014, CA will provide world-wide, instant, free (to the user), and permanent access to all of our content (as well as ten years of our back catalog). This is a boon to our authors, whose work we can guarantee the widest possible readership —and to a new generation of readers inside of anthropology and out.
This is a good idea, and not an easy change for the Society to manage. In anthropology in particular open access is a valuable goal, because it can ensure that informants (and their families) can read the research that they help to create.